Sing Away, Sing Away

In fiction writing sometimes it's nice to use birds as a symbol of freedom and I know I've written paragraphs about how the singing bird offered a bit of hope for the character listening to the wonderful tune.

This morning there was a freaking bird outside my window that was just hammering away at a nonsensical string of noises that was akin to listening to rap music for me. I had a vision of leaping from the bed, catching that bird on a dead run, and manually strangling the life out of it.

Told you I need a break.

Yet it did bring a smile to my face as I thought of a couple of recent laughs that pertain to singing songs.

A couple of weeks ago my wife went to see Jersey Boys. It's a long story, but I gave up my ticket and took a little guff for doing so, but when my wife returned home I asked her how the show was.

"Unbelievable," she said, and then she began to sing My Eyes Adored You.

Up until that very moment I had always loved that song. By the time my wife got to the second verse, I was ripping at my ears, trying to get them clear of my head.

"I'm sorry for not going! Please stop singing!"

My wife has always taken the good natured kidding about her singing voice in stride, but she's a little like Edith Bunker on crack. She's a lot like that bird I wanted to strangle this morning.

Sometimes when I'm day-dreaming I think of what it would be like to be serenaded by someone like Barbara Streisand. That has to be cool, right?

Yet story number two interrupted my fantasy. My sister called to let me know that our nephew Tony had requested a Meatloaf song (Paradise by the Dashboard Light). When Carrie was a bit unsure of the song he wanted he said, "That song Aunt Kathy sings in."

We had a nice laugh about it.

"How could he possibly confuse you for the woman singing that song?" I asked. "She has a beautiful voice, and you, well, you..."

I was laughing.

"Perhaps he got confused because he thought that woman was Meatloaf's wife," Kathy said. "And we all know who most resembles Meatloaf."

Funny. My wife is funny.

The points of the story?

1). I'm getting dressed and heading out to chase that freaking bird.
2). My wife can't sing.
3). It'd be nice to be serenaded by Barbara Streisand.
4). I'm really starting to look like Meat.
5). There are no changes forthcoming - my wife is way better looking than Streisand.

Just don't ask her how she liked Jersey Boys.


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