Give Me a Freaking Break!

Last year, in April, I sat on a beach in Florida and lectured myself about taking time out to catch my breath. The company I work for provides me with vacation time, but in past years of employment, I never took it. Last year was the exception and I found that being away was necessary. So, I even took a couple of more days in August.

And here we are nearing the end of May and I haven't done what I said I was going to do. August to May is a long stretch without days off during the week. Physically shot. Mentally drained. Tired of being tired.

A couple of months ago I picked the last week in May as a week off, and I'm three days away from freedom and I'm becoming hesitant.

Can the world spin without my contribution for a week?

Can I really just line up golf partners and play without thought of who needs me to do what?

Is it possible to sleep past 5:30 AM.

"You're doing it!" my wife said this morning. "I don't want to hear your excuses."

She lives here. She knows I need it.

"We'll see what happens," is all I keep saying.

Yet I heard about people going on cruises and heading off to Vegas for a long weekend. I listen to stories about guys who set up their schedule for a month long break, and I know a few school teachers who revitalize for three freaking months.

This can happen, right?

There are friends of mine that can free up a day to watch me hack, drink, and swear my way around a golf course, aren't there?

I'm telling you, I'll be better for it.

Please just give me a freaking break!

Chances are it'll rain all week.


pcorwin said…
Hey Buddy.. Enjoy your week. I'm off too. 5 days in Florida. The place won't be the same without us.
Cliff Fazzolari said…
Have a great time, Pat. Whenever someone tells me they're going on vacation I always say, "Vacation from what?" I think of George Costanza telling Seinfeld that he was going on vacation and Seinfeld yelling, "You're unemployed!"

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