Bag of Noxious Wind

Just when I think I'm out of the political discussion a big, fat, noxious, moronic radio host pulls me back in.

Okay, I get the arguments - the environmental issues are hot-button topics. Some people believe that Al Gore is mongering fear with his global warming theories. Others feel that we are ruining the planet with our selfish ways and our dependency on fuel.

Whatever - it seems to be cut along party lines anyway - as is everything else - and concrete arguments can be made on both sides. My opinion on it really doesn't matter. I can do what I can do in my personal life and hope that there is a world still standing for my kids and their kids.

Yet there should be no debate about the fact that thousands of gallons spewing into the ocean will have a negative impact, right? No one can be naive enough to believe that this isn't a horrifying turn of events for the freaking fish and the seals, and the shrimp and the lobster, right?

"The sea can handle the oil," Big, fat, dumb Rush said. "Did you ever try and live in the sea? It's tough."

Okay, Rush - when did you live in the sea? Who do you know, people-wise, other then Sponge Bob, who lives in the sea? Fish live in the sea. They must be tough. But they choke on oil. You nitwit.

"Not to minimize it, but the sea is huge," Scientist Rush explained. "The oil dissipates."

Oh, really? So what's happening isn't a threat to the ecology? The fact that fuel has been pouring out for weeks on end is a liberal conspiracy to aggravate the oil companies?

Are you freaking kidding me?

Can you be that stupid?

It isn't a party issue. Saying dumb things doesn't make you good at what you do.

Someone please take his microphone away.

There are people believing his bullshit.


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