Poor LT

I'm wondering how Lawrence Taylor is going to spin this. Will he play the, "How the hell was I supposed to know she was 16" card?

Is he a candidate for sex rehab? Was it all a setup?

Was he under the influence of drugs again? Did his wife not understand him?

Was he bored in that lonely hotel room? Was the television broken? He'd seen all the porn?

The story has been coming out in bits and pieces all day. Taylor allegedly paid $300 for the company of a hooker. She supposedly was driven to the hotel room by her pimp. Taylor supposedly had sex with her. She supposedly called an uncle to get out from under the act, and somewhere along the way she supposedly got a black eye. Taylor's people seem to be saying that the pimp did it.

So...what did you do last night?

Lawrence Taylor has been a nightmare for the past twenty years. He was suspended, arrested, reprimanded, divorced, reborn, rehabbed, and re-divorced, re-suspended, and re-arrested.

Oh yeah, he was elected to the Pro Football Hall of Fame too. He won a couple of Super Bowls -including the one where they cheated to beat the Bills I believe. He was the best player on some great defenses, and was paid money by the bushel twice a month.

I've heard the man interviewed all over the place. People kissing his ass just to get close to him. People naming their freaking kids after him. A big fat hero. He could hardly string two sentences together either. Couldn't spell cat if you spotted him the "C" and the "A".

Yet I will follow the story. I am anxiously awaiting the spin. How the hell do you get out of that one?

The "I didn't know her age" card won't work - sex with a minor can not possibly be consensual. If it happened, it's rape. They say that the prison sentence is four years.

Well, here's my prediction:

A big, "I'm sorry." A bigger, "I'm the victim here. I have pick-up-a-whore-ritis. It's a real disease and I'm getting help."

He'll stand before a judge, wearing his Super Bowl rings and a ten-thousand dollar suit, sober as all get out, autograph pen at the ready...

...and they'll let him go again. Free to rape, pillage and plunder.

Hey, maybe he can join the Steelers and team up with Ben Roethlispervert.

(This blog is dedicated to Rosie Palmer - nice hero you got there - the Giants cheated in '91).


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