My Two Cents

As if my opinion counts for anything...

I thought Crystal was a better singer than Lee. Now mind you, I didn't watch the show after the first two or three performances, but after hearing Crystal sing once I declared the contest over. In my infinite wisdom I told my wife to stop watching because it wouldn't be close.

It reminds me of golfing with my brother once and arguing with him over which club I should use. I was convinced I could get it to the green with a three-iron.

"You're going to end up in the center of the pond," he said.

"You'll see," I answered.

I swung, and of course, ended up dead center in the water. Feeling completely spent and knowing what was coming, I turned to Jeff.

"Don't you ever get sick of being wrong?" he asked.

Yeah. I Do.

The Gary Coleman story is also nothing but a tragedy. That little guy was spiraling out of control. I even wrote about him after a recent arrest, but he had such a battle all through his life. What a shame. He was a funny little guy.

Where is 'Drill, Baby Drill!' now?

Remember Sarah Palin screaming those words and bashing Obama for being slow on the drilling trigger?

How can she now claim, after the accident that Obama is a shill for big oil?

See, that's what galls me about all politicians. They check to see which way the wind is blowing and then release an opinion that way. If you were yelling 'Drill Baby Drill' then, you can't be yelling about our disregard for the environment now. Ridiculous.

Ah well, as Rush so succinctly pointed out the oil isn't a big deal because the ocean is huge and we have seven of 'em. Why worry about a few thousand gallons a day?

What else?

Oh, I read an article about a man and women being busted for having sex on the edge of a red carpet gathering in NYC last night. There were 64 cameras there to capture the result. How does that conversation begin?

A few years ago while construction workers were re-doing the Bills Stadium one of the guys brought his girlfriend to the fifty-yard line where they had sex as about 500 workers looked on. There was another story about a couple doing it in a New York church and being busted by the priest.

In the words of Mellencamp, "He made that story up. There ain't no girl like that."

Well, evidently there are girls like that. Fathers everywhere must be so proud.

I do know one thing for sure; I don't want 500 people, or 64 cameras, or the priest watching me perform in that regard...

... and that's one thing I'm certainly not wrong about.


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