This Guy Is A Red Sucks Fan

During the course of the long baseball season bets are made and people often run their mouth, writing checks that their bodies can't cash.

Of course, I really benefited from the 27-Time World Champions win last fall, collecting a few bottles (waiting to collect one more) and a couple of cases of beer.

The poor slob shown in the above photo, however, decided to really go for it. He bet another guy in his construction company that he'd wear the woman get-up if the Yanks pulled it off. The bet had the loser dressing as a woman for the company safety course which was just held.

I had heard about the bet, but certainly pushed it out of my mind, until I stood on the stage, looked out at the group, and saw the ugliest woman I'd ever seen in my life.

That's the way to start a presentation!

I had to step back away from the microphone for a minute as I laughed, and the man, being a good sport, stood and allowed me to view the back side.

Believe me, I showed you the good side.

Too funny- I'm taking wagers for this year - stand up and be heard! I love collecting on bets.

He looks a little like Youkolis, doesn't he?


deafjeff said…
I was thinking Schilling.

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