
I’m wondering how much that outfit set him back.

I’m also fascinated with what goes into such blind adoration.

Finally, as a child I remember thinking about Hitler and wondering what was wrong with the German population that allowed him to grow to power.

I would’ve never believed it could happen here, and especially not for the likes of that guy.

What is to be admired?

As a teenager there was a lot of talk about Reagan not being electable because he had been divorced.

Three marriages and paying off a porn star with campaign funds.

Doesn’t matter.

Paying a massive fine for running a fraudulent university?

Love him anyway.


They closed down the foundation due to fraud.


Ever see him with a sick kid? Or a wounded veteran?

He famously said that he didn’t want crippled vets at the parade he wanted to get up and running.

Love of family or even a dog?

Show me any clip of him playing ball with his young son, or even a fatherly moment with his older children.

The only tender moment anyone can even point to is his holding Ivanka by the hips, and he also famously said that he would be dating her, perhaps, if she weren’t his daughter.


Why the blind adoration?

What could possibly make a young man dress in such a manner?

Despite wondering about all of it, the answer is fairly simple.

It’s about the rage.

And the nastiness directed at any and all people who are not white, or straight, or male.

Hatred of women, Hispanic, Black, Muslim, Asian, gay, transgender.

That’s the attraction.

How much longer until he is gone from the national conversation?

When he is gone with all the rage and hate go with him?

I don’t know…

…but it truly is nauseating.



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