Martha’s Vineyard


Talk about a despicable stunt.

Seems that the Florida governor, angling to be as nasty and mean as the last twit, decided that sending a bus filled with Venezuelan immigrants to a liberal hot spot would be great fun.

I’m guessing that he wanted to prove that liberals would be angry with a number of immigrants on their doorstep, but there wasn’t any anger.

Instead, the Venezuelans were fed, clothed, given medical treatment, etc….

I was pretty happy about the way they were treated by those generous people.

Proving in fact that the truly Christian thing to do is to treat people as if they are human.

One thing I didn’t do yesterday was tune into any of the right-leaning shows because I didn’t want to hear the glee in their voices as they praised DeSantis for being so clever.

I can almost hear them:

“Let’s see how they like it when the filthy immigrants show up at their front door!”

Turns out, just fine, I guess.

Now as for the trickery involved.

Can you actually put people on a bus and traffic them somewhere without their knowledge?

Shouldn’t there be consequences for such behavior?

They’re also saying that it cost about $14 million in taxpayer money.

It’s just cruel, isn’t it?

Those people loaded onto that bus and traipsed off as a political stunt are people!

There’s a whole lot of Bible thumping in that particular crowd.

What would Jesus think of that crap?

I grew up at a Catholic grammar school, and studied the Bible at a Catholic college.

I’m thinking Jesus would’ve been way more impressed with the people who helped those immigrants off the bus…

…rather than the moron who put them on it.


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