
“Sometimes life is just too ridiculous to live.” - John Mellencamp - ‘Between a laugh & a tear.’

The rain was pounding the side of the house, and suddenly I was wide-awake.

I tried to guess the time before looking at my phone. It felt like it was about 5 in the morning. 

I looked:



I stayed awake until about 4:15 but then went back to sleep until 6:30. On a Monday. Rain was just relentless.

“Ah well,” I told Miller. “Time to make the doughnuts.”

A half-hour later I was in the car.

Turned the key and saw the low tire pressure light.


When I began adding pressure to all the tires because none of them looked light, the skies opened up.

I was absolutely soaked by the time I got in the car.

After visiting the first job, I headed back to the car and used the keyless entry.

It didn’t work because it was wet. I punched in the number a half dozen times and then the numbers locked for a minute.

Started pouring.

Soaked again!

Before visiting the second job I made sure to bring my keys with me so I could open the door even when it was drenched.

Hit the job.

Got back to the car and my keys were nowhere to be found.


Still haven’t found them.

Made it home.

Feet didn’t warm up for 4 hours.

“What a miserable day,” Jake said, as he entered the house.


“More fun tomorrow.”


“We’ll see the sun in May,” Jake added. 


240 days from now.


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