
Every once in a blue moon you run across a show about a guy or a gal who lives their entire life as a con.

Kathy had a show on about this dude who romanced and married vulnerable women who had a bit of cash.

He was actually married to two women at the same time and pulled it all off by making both of the women take out multiple mortgages on their homes so he could work on his projects that would soon have them living in the lap of luxury.

Those types of stories amaze me for a couple of reasons:

1). The women who get swindled are usually the ones telling this story. Aren’t they embarrassed?

One lady lost $300,000 to the guy. The other woman he was married to lost $400,000.

2). And the guy;

Doesn’t he get exhausted trying to keep it all straight?

How much energy does one put into keeping the lies straight?

He married two women in the same year!

They didn’t know anything about each other.

Then he got busted when wife one found a photo of him holding a baby.

In the end, the man lost the civil trial.

The judge ordered that he repay everyone.

“Can’t get blood from a stone,” was his basic defense.

And that was that…

…except for the women going on television to tell the story of how they were duped.

“He was a smart, charming man,” one of the wives explained.

I guess.

All that lying…

…two dang wives…

…sounds absolutely exhausting!


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