Tested Positive in a Negative Way

Big news, right?

It is what it is.

Quite a few things with the “shocking” news that Donny T and the Classy-‘F**k-Christmas-First-Lady’ tested positive for COVID-19.

1). Is it true?

Has to be asked. 

There have been so many lies and so much disinformation that I’m reminded of the boy who cried wolf.

He’s coming off a story about not paying taxes and an epically horrendous debate showing. The poll numbers tell us that he’s going to be unemployed soon, and with a $421 million debt coming due...

...well a virus diagnosis might bring sympathy from some corners.

2). Too many tests!

If they didn’t test him he wouldn’t have it. Duh! 

No masks?

Maybe they should’ve been used. How does it infect a group of people who have the best in testing, the best medical team (not counting Ronny Jackson), and are protected at every turn?

Science! That’s how! I’ve been saying it from day one through Herman Cain’s death and into last night.

The virus doesn’t care.

3). Prognosis

There were a lot of prayer chains...

...quite a few jokes...

...and a whole bunch of fights on social media.

Did it feel right to make light of it?

Ask Mitt Romney who was on the short end of a Trump tweet when his positive test was announced.

Ask Biden who was derided at every turn for wearing a mask and protecting his followers.

Ask Clinton who was made fun of when she suffered from pneumonia in ‘16.

You dish it out...you’re going to take it.

Will they be okay?

Trump is high-risk:

He is elderly, obese and low-income.

In summary:

No one actually wishes anyone ill will. 

I don’t want to see any human suffer...

...maybe now those who were downplaying something that killed thousands and thousands...

...will see it for what it is and will actually lead in an effort to eliminate it from our lives.


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