Kicking & Screaming

I usually have to be dragged into accepting that summer is over and that fall is upon us.

I’m starting to gradually accept it, but I’m also cautiously optimistic that we can get 3 more rounds in, counting today, and next week on my birthday.

Golfing on my birthday is as good as it gets! Because it will be followed by any kind of pasta I feel like making.

Yet, I felt that old twinge of sadness on Saturday morning when I was chasing the damn cat across the back yard.

Cats don’t have to go outside! It’s on of their best traits...

...but I trained him like a dog, so every morning the cat gets everyone moving by screeching loudly to go outside!

And now he has a new game. He doesn’t come in when I open the door and let Melky and Paris in.

Instead he hangs out by the back fence and waits for me to start towards him. Then he makes a beeline for the door, yelling back over his shoulder at me.

Miller is kind of a d*ck.


...I felt the chill in the breeze on Saturday morning as I followed him in.

“Damn, it’s over.”

And once golf ends I know what will take its place...

...I’ll write and read a little more.

I’m good with that, I guess.

Baseball is over.

The Bills are undefeated.

Sickness is ramping up and a lot of everything is closed or will close as we pretend it’s a hoax, and it spirals out of control.

If you need me, I’ll be in the house...

...but I really want three more rounds!


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