Felt Like 1984

This has been the most surreal week - news-wise - in my lifetime. 

It’s not even close!

The tax story was this week!

Followed by the debate and then the COVID-19 invasion of the White House.

“What’re we watching?” Kathy asked.

“People are talking about Cobra Kai,” I said. “I have no idea what it is.”

“We’ll try an episode.”

Much to our surprise it’s Karate Kid some 36 years later.

The music is great. The story is so familiar. Ralph Macchio is back and it’s really well done.

“Man, the music was so great back then,” I said. 

I miss those times musically.

And who do you know who didn’t see the Karate Kid movies back then.

“Wax on, wax off.”

And we kind of got lost in the show. The boys were all away for the weekend.

I got dinner going and the sauce started for tomorrow.

And we watched the show.

At dinner we finally took a break and the news was back on for a few minutes. 

Is Trump all right or on the verge of death?

And here’s the thing...

...there’s no way of knowing what is true.

The disinformation program worked like a charm.

Was the video actually a video from Saturday or was it filmed on Friday?

When did they actually know that he was positive? The doctor held a press conference and announced a few things and then immediately recanted.

A White House spokesman immediately negated everything the doctor said.

“What do you think?” Kathy asked.

“Put the Karate Kid back on,” I answered. “At least we know that story is fictional. I hate stories where the truth is up for grabs.”

What a week.

Simply unreal.


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