Laying Low

On Sunday morning, on the way to the golf course, I felt a little like there was something going on.

A cold?


That’s the first thought every time you sneeze these days.

I shrugged it off and then put in a long trip across the to bed late, up early, a 14-hour day.

When I went to bed on Monday night in Wichita, I knew it:

I was sick.

Felt worse by morning. Spoke to my boss.

“Just take the day off. Call your client and mention that you aren’t feeling well.”

I laughed.

“My day consists of visiting a site, driving 240 miles and flying home. Hard to call in sick on that.”

So, suck it up!

Yet, I actually did something smart.

I stayed home on Wednesday and Thursday, and I rested (except for during the Yankees games).

“I gotta’ get back to work,” I said, on Thursday evening.

“Yeah, except you aren’t better,” Kathy said. “Just lay low. Take the weekend. Monday is a better target.”

Lay low?

It is certainly the smart play and I have stayed clear of everyone else.

Even not feeling well I’m chomping at the bit to get something done!

It’s a lousy feeling and I wish I didn’t feel guilty...

...but that’s how it goes.

I’m laying low!


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