Send Her Back

I don’t want to talk about politics. I don’t want to ever really think about the president.

He’s just supposed to be there, taking care of things, making us feel secure.

We should only really think about them every now and again when we see them in the news or in the paper.

When Trump got in, the gaslighting was too much to take. They lied about the crowd at the inauguration and off we went!

About a month in, I mentioned to a buddy that I was exhausted just listening to all of it. I thought that it would have to even out a little.

It didn’t.

It’s been one long, horrible day. One scandal leaks into the next, and people are in jail because of it.

We are back to the rally stage!

Hillary isn’t around this time, so now we need a new villain for the next election.

Trashing minorities and fanning the racial fire worked once, right.

“Send her back!”

That was the chant that broke out.

Trump stepped back and basked in the glow of the hateful rant.

For 13 seconds he stood there, pointing at people, nodding, and letting the nastiness take hold.

The mostly white crowd, angry again.

“She should love our country. I didn’t like the chant. I started talking very quickly.”

That’s a lie.

He didn’t begin talking quickly. Does he not know he’s being taped?

Also, people can’t voice their dissatisfaction with things in this country?

Shall we go back and check who the biggest whiner in the world was when Obama was in office?

He never shut up!

He bashed America then and he has little respect for those who held the office before him.

He does it now!

One whine after another!

And I don’t want to talk about it, but this is a moment in time that needs to be documented.

Because we are at a low point in our history.

Eight thousand Americans in an arena chanting a racist chant about a sitting member of Congress.

How low can we go?

There are a whole lot of people suggesting that this isn’t a one-time thing...

...rather it’s a strategy!

Stoke the fires.

Feed the racial divide.

Try and grow the base by inviting even more ugliness.

The next rally will be interesting.

Chances are they will chant it again.

Trump will pretend to be against it, but he’ll do it with a smirk.

I fear for the health of those congresswomen.

We’ve been here before.

You only need one whack job exercising his second amendment rights to change the world.

How low can we go?

We may find out.

What a disaster.


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