Everybody is Sick

First off, cancer sucks!

If I see or hear of one more person I know and love has been told the bad news I might throw up.

I have a couple of old friends battling hard and one guy I’ve known for about 22 years is really struggling to catch his breath. I try and make him laugh a little.

“How you feeling?” I asked when I saw him on Friday.

“Sleep is rough and I can’t walk more than 50’ without gasping for breath. I hate cancer.”

“You’re still whining about that?” I asked, and he laughed.

And I’ve battled sore and tired and painful legs and hips, but it’s nothing compared to what he, and others are going through.

“Just keep punching back,” I told him. “If you stop punching you’ll lose.”

“I’m punching,” he said. “And when I swing my fist I’m outta’ air.”

I played a round of golf on Thursday with my good buddies.

Played lousy again with some great shots sprinkled in.

Had a blast and forgot about leg pain...

...until the round was over and I was walking to my car.

“Why you limping?” My buddy battling cancer asked the next day.

“My legs are killing me?” I said.

He said the one thing that I really needed him to say:

“You still whining about that?”

To all my friends and loved ones battling to feel better:



Don’t give up.

Don’t ever give up.


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