Sexy Rexy

The story broke on Sunday morning.

The Buffalo Bills have a new head coach:

Rex Ryan.

Ryan was just the coach of the New York Jets. He got fired after a couple of horrendous years. Yet, to be fair, his first couple of years were really successful.

Ryan used to be really fat.

He was involved in a weird story about being a foot fetish guy.

(I'm not making this shit up).

He supposedly has a tattoo of his former quarterback.

He's loud, boisterous and his teams play pretty well against the Patriots (even though their record in such games is 8-23).

It's all about perception, folks.

So what do I think?

Actually, I think it's a great hire...

...for me!

I'm going to be able to hand Rex the D.B. of the week award quite a few times, I'm thinking.

He's gonna' be vocal.

He'll say some really stupid things.

Perhaps he didn't think it all the way through though...

...we're a little short on open-toe shoes in this weather.

Good luck, Rex.

If you break the string of non-playoff teams over there in Orchard Park they'll build a statue of you.

The skinny version though.

You gotta' BILLieve!

Yet the thing that truly gets me about this hire is my boy, Matt.

"Rex Ryan is the worst coach in the league," he once told me.

"I hate him!

"He sucks!"

I asked him about the reports a couple of weeks back.

"They could do worse than Rex Ryan," he said, sheepishly.

You gotta' BILLieve!


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