In Dreams

So, my beautiful wife informed me that I was in trouble.

She'd had a dream that I had cheated on her and that I left her no choice other than to divorce me and take all my money.

"As opposed to just plain taking it," I said.

Yet she wanted to talk about it.

"You confessed," she said. "I caught you in a lie and you ended up telling me everything."

"Did I get into details?" I asked.

"Yep, you told me everything."

"Was she hot?" I asked.

"Yeah, was it worth it?"

I tried to think through the question, but instead just laughed.

"You're a moron," I said.

Yet dreams are really weird, aren't they?

Don't you just love when you wake and the dream is right there for you to consider?

I read somewhere that if you dream bad things about someone it's actually a foreshadowing that the person is going to have some good fortune bestowed upon them.

That's probably garbage, but there are so many funky dreams out there, running around our minds each and every single night. Most of them don't make sense in the light of day, but you certainly can feel that person back there with you. I love when I dream of my Dad or my brother.

In fact, I've always wanted to study dreams.

What do they mean?

Well, I looked up the cheating spouse dream and good news, beautiful wife!

It doesn't mean that I hooked up with a hot woman while you were out nursing.

In fact, all that I read on the subject leads me to believe that the guy who was writing the article didn't have much of a clue of anything.

It all seemed like psycho-babble garbage to me.

And it all goes back to the conversation that we had one night as we were watching a show that was all about the cheating husband and the suspicious wife.

(As a matter of fact, that's probably where the dream came from).

During the movie I turned to Kathy and said:

"Damn, that cheating seems like a lot of work, right?"

"Yeah. I'd rather just sit here."

Me too.


I didn't cheat!


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