Live Free or Die

Recently on Facebook someone sent a quiz around that asked you to name the states that you've stepped foot in. I'm in the 30's with states that I've visited in this great nation, but until Thursday I had never stepped foot in New Hampshire.

Let me tell you...

...I had no chance of being impressed.

I made it to the airport nice and early for the flight out.

We boarded the plane and then the pilot seemed to be set on driving to New Hampshire.

"Why the heck aren't we in the air yet?" I asked.

"We're going back to the gate," the stranger sitting next to me said.

The winds were howling. There was ice everywhere. A snowstorm was on the way.

Of course we were.

Yet I decided to just go with the flow.

What the hell can you do?

Force the pilot to fly a broken plane?

We sat on the plane for a little while and then they sent us back into the terminal. A young couple who were on their way to Aruba got into a shouting match with the woman behind the desk. I laughed because the woman screamed:

"You're not going! How do you like that!! I'm in charge here and now you're not going!"

The cops showed up.

Thankfully I was able to scramble onto a flight that left just a mere three hours after the initial flight and I was also able to make the connecting flight.

By 1 p.m. I was crossing New Hampshire off the list of states I'd visited.

And I'm not sure what I think of the place yet because it was 1 degree, snow was flying, people were driving really slow (and I'm a notoriously cautious driver), and when I took my glove off to snap a few photos at the site... freaking hand froze.

Then I called a meeting to attention and every company rep came into the meeting room wearing Boston Sports Jackets.

A Bruins fan here...

A Suck Suck fan there.

Even Pats hats...

"You people are making me sick," I said. "I'm a 27-Time World Champion Greatest Franchise in the History of Organized Sports Yankees fan."

They booed me.

A good way to meet new people.

Yet we laughed.

A lobster roll...a few more harried drives and back to the airport.

I hardly knew Ya' New Hampshire.

Perhaps I'll see a little more later.


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