Featured Work of the Week - The Interview

My beautiful wife didn't wanna' watch The Interview.

"It's stupid," she said.

My boys really wanted to see it, of course. Seth Rogen and James Franco are popular movie-makers around here.

"It's gonna' be really funny," they said.

Well, it sorta' turns out that they were all right.

Of course, The Interview made a whole lot of noise before anyone really saw it. Kim Jong Un wasn't really thrilled about being made fun of and he took it out on Sony.

But there were some really clever aspects to it. A huge part of the writing of the story had to come from the visits that Dennis Rodman made to North Korea and the reports that he sent back about the little dictator being a pretty good guy.

Of course there were a lot of funny lines about really juvenile things, but that's what my boys were talking about when they thought about a Rogen-Franco movie.

They are funny.

They are stupid.

The movie wasn't made to change world policies or to rile up Jong Un. In fact, I can't really believe that it received so much attention as being a threat.

I don't think that much more will come of it, to be honest, but then again I'm not the one they were making fun of. I really do wonder if Jong Un will sit down and watch it.

Will he laugh at all?

One thing is for sure:

The Interview will be a hit.

There are too many people who have heard of it. Everyone and their brother wants to see what the commotion was all about.

The boys laughed hard.

Kathy smiled at a couple of things.

It was funny.

It was certainly stupid.

You might as well see it.

I know you want to.


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