Watch It Burn

There are so many things that just sadden me about the Ferguson, Missouri news.

I'm sad that Michael Brown had to die.

And that Darren Wilson made the decision to shoot him.

I'm also sad that some believe that Brown died simply because he was black.

It's even worse that there are scores of people who don't believe or trust those who are there to supposedly protect.

I'm sad that there are crooked cops, and men who rob stores.

But what's even more sad is that those parents lost their child to what was a split-second decision made by their son as well as a split-second decision made by an officer of law.

The wrong decision?


A life and death decision?


A racially motivated one?

Depends on where you sit.

I'm very sad about the fact that the media initially reported non-truths and half-truths when the story initially broke in August. I have a feeling that irresponsible "reporting" had something to do with the anger.

Michael Brown was never shot in the back while he was in full retreat.

The facts show that...but there are people out there who still believe that is exactly what happened.

I'm sad that there were talking heads on immediately after the verdict, giving their venom-filled cry that was further designed to inflame the anger.

Our instant gratification society does not allow for thoughtful digestion of what may or may not be the facts.

If we are truly interested in stopping violence we need to make a concerted effort in not being amused by it.

I'm really sad that violence is celebrated...

...and that trust is gone...

...and that hatred is allowed to fester...

...and that we may be further away from finding common ground than when we were in the 60's.

I'm sad that people feel it necessary to loot and burn and attack.

That's not a form of protest...'s just more hate.

Most of all, I'm sad that we are here, watching it burn...

...and that we've lived all this time...

...and haven't learned one damn thing about what it means to live.


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