Happy Birthday Mom!

My Mom loves to smile.

It's her birthday today and I hope she smiles all day long.

Mom has taught me so many things and while I am prone to acting like Dad from time-to-time I inherited her personality.

Which is mostly good!

Mom is the reason I ever published a book.

She taught me to love reading.

Mom is also the reason I sing to my dogs and treat them as if they were human and truly understand everything I say to them.

Mom's the reason why I work so hard.

Dad was also a tireless worker too, but Mom never even let a sock hit the floor. It was washed, folded and back in the drawer almost immediately.

And Mom has taught me to try and smile through the wicked parts of life.

My faith mirrors her faith.

Day after day.

Suck it up and tough it out and do the best you can.

My Mom taught me that.

Happy Birthday.

We love you.

P.S. - Happy Birthday Johnny C. - you'll never get top billing on 11/25.


John said…
Thanks for the mention. Second to that wonderful woman is still a great place to be. Please wish her a happy birthday from me.

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