Topping Eyewitness News.

What's going on?

It's been about a week since I've seen a photo of Kim Kardashian's ass.

Not really missing it.

1). Man, the Bill Cosby story is out of control, huh? Who would've ever suspected it? If even half of the stories are true, or have even a shred of truth about them then he's a real creep, huh?

Most of the dialogue goes like this:

Women were captured by his fame, agreed to have a drink with him, then woke up to find him on them, or around them after they'd been assaulted in some manner.

And then they never mentioned it again until this past week or so.

Are they all conspiring to bring him down?

Is he a completely innocent man?

It's just really sad....another fallen hero.

2). I cringe to watch the news out of Ferguson as well.

The answer to what one feels as blatant racism is to get yourself a new Apple product, I suppose....or to burn down your own town.

I never really understood the destruction of your own environment to prove a point. The talking heads are preaching for calm, but hoping for shots of mayhem...and people are giving it to them.

I hope that it's all over now, but I'm pretty sure that we haven't seen the end of it.

And someone gave out the address of the cop who was involved?

The need to create news is just out of control.

3). So, there's an immigration policy out there for consideration now, huh?

And it's being met with threats of shutting down the government, impeachment, and all around disdain.

Well, here's an idea...propose something else, vote on it and get it passed.

Everyone in the entire country believes that something needs to be done. We shouldn't be shooting the guy who actually tried. Start the conversation. Without going into particulars or beliefs here, I vote for progressive action...not political infighting.

You know what will happen though?



4). Snow.

Something tells me that this winner is going to be a real doozy.

The 90 inches of snow a couple of weeks back aside, I'm thinking we have real problems when winter actually begins a few weeks from now. We were heading home after Thanksgiving dinner and the snow was coming at me sideways. It was really dark. I could only see about 4 feet in front of the car. I put my hazard lights on and Matt commented that it was a real 'safety guy' sort of thing to do.

And all I kept thinking was that I really hated it.

I hate shoveling it.

I hate driving in it.

I hate being cold.

And it's gonna' keep coming.

5). Shopping

"So, what do you want for Christmas?"

The question comes each year.

My answer is the same.


"You have any books you want? Any music that you need?"

Here's a surprise for you.

I buy the stuff I want when I want it.

I've already read the new Stephen King book.

I've already bought the Bob Seger, John Mellencamp and U2 records.

"Come on! Tell me one thing you want?" My beautiful wife asks.

"World peace," I answer. "Get me world peace."

I bet I get new socks and underwear.

Good enough.


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