Men? What Do You Say?

I really didn't want to do this because it is exactly what Kim wants me to do:

Talk about her massive ass.

First off, I don't believe it.

I've seen photos of this girl just walking around the streets. Her ass isn't that big. That photo looks like a cartoon. Like when Bugs hits someone with a hammer and the body part swells up to huge proportions.

Yet what got me writing about it was a simple question that was posed to me on Facebook.

Do men find this attractive?

I tried my best to avoid answering the question by saying:

"I'm an ass man. When I walk down the street people say, 'he's an ass, man.'"

That's an old Rodney Dangerfield joke and it has served me well through the years, but the fine woman of Facebook wouldn't let me off the hook.

You didn't answer the question.

So, it attractive?

I answered by saying that it was 'interesting.'

Still not good enough.

I then tried to say that 'men are pigs' and therefore, we do, in fact, enjoy such a photo, regardless of whether or not it is fake.

I then tried to explain that Kim was basically a pornographic moron.

But is she really a moron?

Word on the street is that she got paid $43 million to take the naked photos, and Lord knows everyone and their brother has looked at the photo.

So...maybe she isn't so dumb.

Yet how much would you have to be paid to pose nude for the entire world to see?

Most of the women I know wouldn't accept any amount of money to em-bare-ass themselves.

Most of the women I know also don't have an ass the size of my Ford Escape.

So, we aren't going to solve the questions raised here...other than the main one that has been posed:

Do men find this attractive?

I think so.

I do think so.



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