D.B. of the Week - Kurt Busch - The Outlaw

I know a lot of people who watch NASCAR.

I'm a fan of the sport for one day - the day of the Daytona 500 - and each year I vow to follow the standings a little more, but I never do.

People say that baseball is boring, but man, so is watching cars go around in a circle for hours and hours.

We are waiting for the crashes.

These days we are also waiting for the fights.

I don't really know much about this Kurt Busch dude, but it seems that every time I hear his name it has something to do with him being a D.B.

Fighting with other drivers.

Getting suspended.

Arguing about rules or etiquette.

And now, he's under suspicion for allegedly beating up his girlfriend.

Busch supposedly rammed her head against a wall.

They broke up, but somehow or another they were still together at the track. An argument started and it ended when he allegedly hammered her.


Of course this particular offense is troublesome. Ray Rice flattened his girlfriend. I suppose that if we had video of the Busch attack there would be more outrage.

Yet it's the attacks on women that aren't videotaped that are the most troublesome.

Every day in this great country of ours a whole bunch of men beat a whole bunch of women.

Think about that!

When the story was breaking on Rice I had a chance to talk with my boys about it.

"You'll get mad sometimes," I said. "And it may even cross your mind that you are completely justified in your anger, but that's a rule that can't ever be broken. Walk away."

As men we know this rule.

Or I should say that real men do.

Evidently D.B's don't.

Enjoy the award, Kurt.

You're a real outlaw.


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