Your a Dope

I've always been a good speller. Even way before spell check and well before the nuns beat my ass with a ruler I've been able to spell most everything correctly. I am blessed with that gift because I read a ton and recognize how words should look.

I know a lot of guys, much smarter than me, who don't spell so well. And that's okay. Yet shots such as the one taken above is a pet peeve of mine.

How can you take the time to make up a sign and post it in a public space and spell 'losing' as 'loosing'?

I'm sorry, but that's a looser.

And you see it more often than not. Incidentally when I took my phone out and snapped the photo the clerk behind the desk asked me what I was taking a picture of.

"Just the sign," I said.

"What's wrong with it?"

"I love misspelled words on a sign," I said.

The young clerk came around the front and looked.

"I don't see anything wrong with it," she said.

I got back to my car before it hit me that she probably wrote up the sign.

Ah well, who cares?

Yet what really gets me is the way the texts are so configured these days. I get a lot of texts such as the title of the blog.

"Your a dope."

"Your fat."

"Your cranky and miserable."

"Your an old bastard."

"Your bald."

"Your stupid."

"Your an imbesile."

I always correct my buddies.

"That's you're're an idiot."

"That's you're an're an idiot."

I usually get a two-word response to my correcting of items.

But that's okay. Like I've said. I don't write perfectly. My editor often puts things in like:

"You are an imbecile."

I can handle it.

But you can be damn sure that if I post a sign for all the world to see I'm going to spell everything correctly before some dopey, fat, cranky, miserable, bald, stupid, imbecile old bastard comes along with a camera and tries to make fun of me.


Anonymous said…
You do know that all the "your"s in this post should be "you're"s don't you?
Cliff Fazzolari said…
Yes, part of the joke, right?

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