Can We All Get Along?

Well. Rodney King didn't get to live to see it.

I liked Rodney.

You remember him, right?

He was the guy who was out on parole and tried to get free of the cops. He took an awful beating and in all respects, he probably deserved a little of it.

But you can't do that.

Anyway, the riots were a direct result of the not guilty verdicts and Rodney was front and center. He actually tried to steer clear, but came out of hiding to ask the million dollar question.

Can we all get along?

As Rodney died this weekend, some twenty years later, we are embroiled in another hot button case of a young man dying on the streets.

I'm not sure that Trayvon Martin's case will escalate in such unrest and I surely hope not, but the question remains.

Can we all get along?

And you know what?

I don't think we can.

I wrote a blog about Trayvon and Zimmerman and I got hate responses for my take which was simply that the guy should have stayed in the car and let the authorities handle it.

I honestly think that one will be a doozy, for some reason.

And there is still so much unrest and turmoil every day. We just had a black doctor kill a white girl here in Buffalo. I heard a lot of biting comments.

"Why aren't Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton here for that murder?"

"That's what she gets for sleeping with a black dude."

It's all still out there, Rodney.

Maybe you can get some rest now.


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