450 Years in Prison

So if Sandusky gets just ten years for each of his guilty counts he'll be 518 before he's up for parole.

I sort of hope he makes it that long.

Because 450 years to sit there and think about what he did seems to me to be a just punishment.

It's a difficult crime to imagine. Every time I see him I think just two words - creepy bastard - and I'm not naive enough to think that he was of sound mind, ever.

But that's not an excuse.

We all know the difference between right and wrong. I'm sure that even criminals do. He certainly did. He warned the kids that his gifts would stop if they told anyone. He threatened, cajoled and bribed them.

He most likely ruined each one of them as well.

So I don't feel anything other than disdain for the guy.

Yet right after the announcement on Friday night I was on Twitter and there were a lot of eye-for-an-eye scenarios being played out. People were hoping that he suffered the same fate by Bubba his cellmate.

Or Ben Dover.

Every time I think of an abusive cellmate I think of Chevy Chase saying:

"Nice to meet you Ben."

I can't help but think that people have it wrong though. Sandusky did unspeakable things, but does having unspeakable things happen to him make us feel better?

Don't answer that.

I imagine that if they polled most Americans they'd like to see Sandusky suffer an atrocity on live television.

Maybe he should.

I'm just uncomfortable with the whole concept of "If you do it we'll do it to you."

I think the 450 years in a cage that he can barely turn around in is a suitable punishment.

Here's hoping he lives that long.

Creepy bastard.


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