God's World Turning

Happy Easter to you all...the baseball preview will have to come tomorrow...feeling a lot Christian today.

There's been a phrase turning over and over in my tired mind - God's world turning...live while you can...live while you can. Almost sounds like a Van Morrison or John Mellencamp song...maybe it is...but it's a nice phrase to think of on Easter weekend.

A friend of mine was telling me yesterday that he was off of work because his brother-in-law: His 'best friend in the world,' dropped dead at his house the other night.

"He fell down my stairs and by the time he hit the last step he was basically dead. Great guy," my buddy said, his voice cracking.

Unfortunately I am well-versed in bringing up pain in such a setting. I now know what to say in such a setting because some great friends said it to me.

God's world turning...live while you can...live while you can...

"He lost his wife to cancer ten years ago," my buddy said. "He lost a lot of enthusiasm for things after that, but I didn't get a chance to say goodbye."

"You loved him all his life," I said. "That's better than getting to say goodbye."

My buddy lowered his head to look at his shoes.

"It's coming for all of us," he said. "I lost my Dad, he lost his Dad, my kids are going to lose me. Maybe we all get to meet again."

God's world turning...live while you can...live while you can...

"We'll all get there someday," I said. "Just don't know what the 'there' is there."

"I hope my brother-in-law is there already," he said. "At least his pain is over."

I shook my buddy's hand and wished him a peaceful holiday. Silently I prayed that he had a chance to really grasp what the holiday is all about.

And it has nothing to do with rabbits and eggs.

God's world turning...live while you can...live while you can...

God's world turning...live while you can...live while you can...

I hope that phrase gets stuck in your head too.

Happy Easter.


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