Extra! Extra! Read All About it!

My buddies Eddie and Barb fed into my reading frenzy a little bit over the weekend by delivering me, get this, a bunch of old newspapers regarding North Collins heroes, the Yankees press clippings, and a few very interesting news stories from the late 80's and 90's.

As I've stated a lot of times in the last few years, I love reading the newspaper. Usually it is the very first thing on my mind, and I think it's a little unfortunate to think that the newspaper is going away as far as go-to-media is concerned. My sons have never taken the newspaper off the counter as I used to do. They have all their information on the I-pod, but thanks to Eddie and Barb for thinking of me. The old news in paper form is better than the new news on the computer, laptop, I-pad and I-phone.

Also had a few stray Saturday thoughts:

On our Saturday morning drive, to get the paper, we saw a squirrel in the neighbor's yard. The dogs were going absolutely nuts and I did them a favor, backing into my neighbor's driveway so they could get a close-up view. Across the street was my home, and it was weird to be in their driveway looking at my home. I was seeing it all from a different point-of-view.

It reminded me of the old Dylan line in Tangled Up and Blue.

We always did feel the same way we just saw it from a different point of view.

A lot of people really get wrapped up in certain things and the inability to see it from a different angle usually causes a lot of problems. It was different looking at my house from my neighbor's yard.

I saw that I needed to mow my lawn, so I did.

And while I was mowing the lawn I listened to the I-pod a bit. Again, a Bruce line caught my ear.

Every fool has a reason for feeling sorry for himself and turning his heart to stone.

I was thinking about the next chapter of the next story and this line got caught in my brain. It dawned on me that it is undeniably true.

Looking to feel sorry for yourself?

I'm sure there are plenty of reasons why you can do that if you feel so compelled.

I love that Bruce wrote the sentence the way he wrote it.

Every fool.

If you get to the point that your heart has become stone then you've probably gone too far.

Hence the labeling as a fool.

One of the old clippings the Eddie and Barb sent me was dated April of 1991. Twenty plus years ago. Life hadn't even really started for my family. There was so much living jammed into my days.

So today, I did myself a favor for the future.

I folded up a piece of the paper and stored it away with the idea of reading it twenty years from now, hopefully.

This fool wants to set it aside and see it on another day, from another point of view.


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