The Top Three - Week Two

Wow, in the week before Christmas we have plenty of stuff to choose from, don't we?

We can talk about how Tim Tebow appears to be the first Christian to ever play professional sports.

Or we can mention Kobe and the sad disintegration of his marriage despite the fact that he only allegedly raped one girl. That's a shame, right? After all, men have urges.

Perhaps Britney Spears and the fact that she is getting married for the 3rd time. I think I'll wait for the divorce to comment on that one.

I already mentioned Deidre Pujols and the slap-in-the-face-insult of being offered #130 mil. Poor lady.

The ever-evolving Syracuse and Penn State stories make me sick, so we will hold off there.

A school here in the Buffalo area was reprimanded for an ethnic chant that evidently went on for years. A former hockey player pleaded guilty of drunk-driving because his stupid wheel fell off; Ryan Braun got busted for steroids.

(By the way, why is it "pleaded" guilty instead of "pled" guilty? That one always frosts my ass).

Plenty...plenty to discuss at this happy, happy time of year. Yet none of them made the top three.

3). Yancy Gates. You never heard of him? He is a basketball player for Cincinnati. He was the main offender in an ugly brawl. I put him on the list for the simple reason that after he nailed a couple of guys he stood in front of their bench taunting them in his best Apollo Creed stance. His eyes were wild. There was froth on his mouth, and he was encouraging all comers. Scary shit.

2). Willy Vega. Another man you never heard of, right? He is a veteran school teacher in Springfield, Massachusetts. He was up for his annual review with his vice-principal. He wasn't enamored with the constructive criticism. He punched HER in the face, knocking a few teeth loose, and effectively lowering his review score considerably. Look for Willy on the freeway with the sign and cup.

1). Sam Hurd. You may have heard of this dude. He's a football star. He's a member of the Chicago Bears. He ran afoul of the law this week. A trunk load of cocaine and a thousand pounds of marijuana were supposed to be delivered to his mailbox. He was busted instead.

And you wonder why people are dissatisfied with the postal service. The poor bastard placed his order, paid his money, and couldn't even get his package properly delivered. Hurd is saying that it is all a big misunderstanding and that he wasn't going to sell it. Evidently his recreational use of these products is a bit out of hand. There appears to be a jail cell in his immediate future.

But hey, he won first place in the Thoughts of a Common Man blog.

Good for him.

Congrats to all of our contestants. Next week is Christmas week. I'm sure we'll have some wonderful entries.

Is it still called Christmas, by the way, or have we officially changed it to Tebowmas?


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