My Friends in the 'Cuse

I have been going to Syracuse every couple of weeks since about 1991. I know the town inside and out, and like Buffalo the people who live there are hearty types. They work hard, they suffer through miserable winters and they try to grab something they can hang onto.

For most of the fine citizens there they identify with the Syracuse Orange and the football team, which isn't great, and the basketball team, which has been great.

They really identify with the head coach of the team, Jim Boeheim, who is from the Central New York area.

So none of them were ready for wise-cracking Cliffy who made a visit.

"Hey, now I know how you got those season tickets to the Orange games, Tom. How is Bernie by the way?"

"One way of getting a child through the shame of molestation is by having your wife do him when he gets old enough."

And none of it is a joking matter. Another real sick situation, and one that is even closer to home to me than the Penn State deal.

"They should fire Boeheim today," was one statement that I made in the office.

It was met with a bit of trepidation.

"Maybe he wasn't aware of it. He is just a coach, he doesn't meddle in his coach's personal lives."

But it was the same thing if you ask me. Those in the know, knew. They kept it quiet to not bring shame on their beloved program. They most likely did it at the risk of those boys.

The one difference being that the authorities haven't really had their say in this matter. Far be it from people to lie, but there is a bit of finger-pointing going on here and charges have not yet been brought.

I tried to bring a bit of levity to the situation yesterday, but it is far from a laughing matter, and those people, who had nothing to do with any of it, are a little ashamed.

I found it weird that the alleged horrific act of one man could do so much to lighten the mood in a good town.

Think on the bright side, Syracuse citizens:

Buffalo was where OJ was a star.

Tim McVeigh was raised here.

We even shot a president downtown somewhere.

And look how Buffalo thrives!


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