Just Own Up To It

I don't know why I have a problem with Tim Tebow. Here's a guy who, by all accounts, is a really strong character guy. He leads with a prayer and invokes God name every thirty seconds.

Okay, so I know why I have a problem with him. It's just too much. Over and over he mentions things that I should be doing to lead a great life. Yeah, it's about faith, and I'm all for what he's saying, but the over and over as if I'm not quite where he's at...kind of bugs me.

I just haven't been blessed with the same level of understanding, I suppose. Or maybe, what I believe may not necessarily be what you believe, so I temper it a bit.

Anyway...I thought of Tebow and another player today because sports does teach life lessons if we watch. The other guy is the National League MVP Ryan Braun.

You see a few years ago, when A-Rod was trying to rid himself of the guilt of taking steroids Braun was very vocal. He explained that what A-Rod did was wrong and that he should man up and tell the world the entire truth instead of trying to run from what he did.

I thought that was a great thing for Braun to say.

Uh, then why is he hiding away now?

You see Braun failed a drug test. Steroids. He claims he's innocent. Actually, he has a nicely-worded denial in which he says he never intentionally did it.

His T-cells were 12 times the normal level. He didn't just drink whole milk when he wanted 2%. Something is rotten as they say.

So, I'm sure Braun, given his earlier condemnation of A-Rod would be a man about it, right?

Uh, no, of course not. He says that in due time he will be exonerated.

Perhaps. More likely, he will be apologizing. His cousin gave them to him. Someone dumped the cream on him and told him it was Vaseline. He tripped and sat on a needle that was stuck in the couch cushions. He thought it was a vitamin. He really, really wanted to win the MVP.

Tebow stands up at each press conference and testifies of his love of Jesus and God.

Everyone else stands there and lies through their teeth.

Can't we find a middle ground here somewhere?

People aren't perfect.

The distance from the high horse to the ground is considerable.

God helps us if we ever find out that Tebow once ate meat on a Friday during Lent.


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