
hey say that all you really need is your health. I'm not sure who "they" is, but I can tell you for sure that you really miss your good health when it's gone.

And I'm just talking about a bum wheel.

There are so many other things in the grab bag that can really strip you of the vibrant health of your youth, and it occurs to me, we are all going to get something.

Somewhere along the way, our nice little life is going to be threatened by a disease or a diagnosis that makes us scramble to google for a clue on what went wrong with our given vessel.

Yesterday there was a boy and his sister on the news. The sister started her fundraising campaign to help her little bro raise money to battle what was ailing him. They interviewed her first and then they cut to her suffering sibling. His face was pale, he was rail thin, and his speech was stilted. His sister, on the other hand, was positively glowing with excellent health.

It just didn't look fair.

It's all a crap shoot.

They say to eat right, get a good night's rest and try not to attack your own body with poison unless you practice moderation.

"A glass of wine is good for you," an alcoholic might say.

A liter of Jim Beam...maybe not so much.

In any regard, at the end of the day, perhaps it doesn't matter. Maybe all there is up there is a board with a name next to it that begs for an affliction to be placed next to our name.

"Look it up," those in charge tell us.

So what will it be?

Catfish Hunter, an athlete in his 50's got Lou Gehrig's disease. Every single man will get a dose of prostate cancer just for fun (and people say God doesn't have a sense of humor).

Another youngster in the community died in his sleep the other day. He was ten years old.

Breast cancer? The line is long.

Heart disease? That one stretches around the corner.

And there are charities set up to battle the disease of the day.

"We have to stomp out _______!"

Fill in the blank.

But there will be another new disease on the opposite corner because our vessels weren't built for the real long haul. Parts wear out. Things need to be repaired or replaced. It would be an awfully crowded place if we all went to 223 years of age or so. Something has to get us.

It's all a game of cruel roulette.

The wheel goes round and round and we don't know where it's going to stop.

Stands to reason we best enjoy ourselves as the wheel is spinning.


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