Everything I Know-Decisions, Decisions

Everything I Know About Making the Right Decisions

A successful life hinges on making a higher percentage of wise choices versus stupid mistakes.

It is easy to make a mistake.

A lapse in judgment is possible in every waking moment. We make mistakes because of inner conflict, because of resentment, out of feelings of guilt and frustration.

Sometimes they are mistakes that do not allow us room to recover.

The greatest mistake that we can make is to let an error in judgment strip us of faith in ourselves.

There is a right and a wrong way to live life.

I believe that living right is based on a number of true scientific principles. If you break the laws of science your life may go terribly wrong.

Common sense, hopefully, will tell you that making honest, unselfish and right decisions will allow you to lead a more peaceful life.

Unfortunately we can’t see very far down the road.

In a lot of instances this shortsightedness costs us in the end. Realizing this should provide enough instruction to make each step true. Put each foot down in wisdom and faith, and turn your stumbling blocks into stepping stones.

Sometimes the decisions that we need to make don’t come easily. We are driven face first into the ground ahead as we trip on the past mistakes that we don’t disregard as useless baggage.

In some instances it is fear of moving forward that stops us in our tracks. By keeping your energy levels high, and believing in your solid heart, you will discourage those fears.

Ask yourself ‘Am I doing the right thing?’

Ask that question over and over, and before long, you’ll know everything I know about making the right decisions.


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