Too Much Blood

How can you not be horrified by the shooting in Tucson over the weekend?

I'm not sure about you but the divisive nature of the liberals versus conservatives in this country is going to be our great undoing. I've been screaming for a few years that the gap must be bridged. We are all Americans, for crying out loud. Take aim at the Democrats with a scope sign on the website of the leading Republican candidate?

What the hell did we think would happen?

And every night there are channels after channels of bullshit being spewed, by both sides, about how the other side is wrong for America.

You know what's wrong for America?

This crap. Killing each other, even disrespecting one another, because he voted for Obama, or she voted for W.

We all have our own thoughts about how the government should or shouldn't be run. Stand on any street corner and bring up politics with any passing stranger. Within minutes, you will be able to tell whether they are blue or red.

And its absolutely sickening.

I have a few friends that tease me about the way that my political views seem to slant. We often engage in friendly debate, but deep down, I wonder if they think less of me, or I of them, because of the side they're on.

We are all Americans!

This is ridiculous.

Gunning down people in a shopping center because you feel it was necessary for the long-term health of the country? I'm not even sure that is what happened, but you know what, a funny thing definitely did take place:

In the hours after the tragedy, the scope and the ad to take aim were gone from that website I spoke about.

It is time to heal this country, right?

Or is that a liberal thing to say?


Unknown said…
So with you on your post. Thanks - as I share your view!


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