A Spoon Can Make You Fat

I never liked Charlton Heston.

The NRA ads made me cringe for a lot of years.

Guns don't kill people. People kill people.


Nice, catchy saying.

For all the mentally stable people in the world that makes sense.

Try this for sense.

16,000 murders a year in the most civilized country in the world.

And growing.

When will there be a new idea that is hatched that solves such a problem?

I don't want to take your gun away, model citizen. You have the right to bare arms. Even though that was written in a completely different time when the threat of the government stealing your world was more of a reality.

Protect yourself.

I don't give a shit.

Buy a gun at Wal-Mart and shoot 15 people including women and children and I question the rights.

The rights of a man who's very photo brings thoughts of a lunatic in a thriller film.

How is it so easy to get a gun?

Before you take up your argument, think of the loss of life.

Think of the people wiped out.

Think of the hundreds of people who mourn those who were senselessly killed.

Because this guy got his hands on a gun in a matter of days.

Wait two weeks...there will be another mass murder.

Take away gun rights and only outlaws will have guns...'nother Heston sound bite.

Take away one gun...

From one lunatic...

...and 15 people live...

...every two weeks.

Come on. Truly. Make it more of a process to get a semi-automatic.

We shouldn't be selling them at Wal-Mart to every guy who smiles through filling out the application.

You can't argue that.

A spoon can make you fat if you don't have the mental capacity to rise above it.

And that's coming from a semi-fat guy.


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