Anywhere Is A Better Place To Be

Harry Chapin once wrote a song that is the title of this blog. I kept thinking of it this week as I was away in Las Vegas.

What started as a work trip, and slowly evolved into a pleasure trip if my wife could go, turned back into a work trip when she couldn't.

So, what you had was a guy in Buffalo, thinking about being in Vegas before leaving, and a guy in Vegas, wishing he could be back in Buffalo while he was there.

And therein lies the problem that Chapin wrote about. Someone who goes through life wishing he were somewhere else is one messed-up, lonely dude when it comes right down to it.

Not to say that the trip was a hardship. I had a little fun.

I threw ten bucks down on #23 at the roulette wheel, looked up and said, 'Help a brother out.' The first number was 26. So I tossed another ten down. Mind you, I was only playing with a twenty.

"Twenty-three, red," the woman said. "Pays 35 to 1."

I laughed. It was pretty much the highlight of the gambling there. Don't ask about slots.

As for food. I hammered a buffet one night. That can be done alone and given how much I ate, it was less embarrassing alone. I also ate at a fine Italian restaurant and it took care of my pasta fix in the middle of the week.

Other than that?

Two hookers asked me for a little of their time. I couldn't believe it happened right on the casino floor at the Flamingo.

Neither of them were very good either.

Ha! Ha! Got you Kathy.

I just laughed and walked away. The one had asked for my attention immediately after I finished said meal at the buffet...she would have remembered that encounter for sure.

When I told my wife about the hookers propositioning me she said they must have been attracted by my filthy, smelly tennis shoes.

Gotta' love the wit of that woman.

And now I am back. Sitting at my desk, writing a blog. Pasta on the menu. Laundry turning in the washer. The dogs chewing their bones after Melky got her 'ride in the car' fix.

To dear old Harry...

...I am exactly where I want to be.


Corleone said…
The buffet and the prostitute afteward, reminded me of the comment from larry the cable guy: You know you're eating wrong when your snow angel has a skid mark!....welcome back home, Cliffy.

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