I'm Really Not Sick!

Last week Kathy really battled with a cold. From the outside looking at her it seemed as though it were a miserable battle that zapped a lot of her energy, but true to her nature, she went about her business of work and school.

I did try to help, but I also stood in the shadows reminding her that I don't get sick because I take such good care of myself, treat my body like a temple, and of course, eat well-balanced, sensible meals.

To be honest, I am sort of convinced that I don't get the flu or colds because I eat hot peppers with everything. I actually sometimes sprinkle red pepper flakes on my cereal.

Okay, not true. I don't eat much cereal, but you get the idea.

I also wash my hands a lot and I never, I mean never...do anything other than go to the hand sanitizer after shaking someone's hand.

It has become an absolute obsession. As I'm shaking their hand, however, I immediately think: what if he just finished scratching his ass or picking his nose...so hand sanitizer here I come.

Anyway, I escaped the reach of the cold again! And I bragged about it all week.

"Germs flying around. Everyone coughing and hacking but me because nothing wants to live inside!"

And a strange thing happened.

I woke up Friday morning feeling like crap.

Saturday felt much the same and there's little improvement today.

But I'm not sick. I don't get sick. I don't have a cold!

Where the hell is that cayenne pepper? I'll blast this thing away.


Gag said…
It must be allergies. That's what I always say:)

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