Please No Investigations

The report today is that the Democrats are looking to investigate Bush-Cheney etc... for criminal acts and wrong-doing. As much as I would like to know...please don't do it.

How much money was wasted on the Clinton investigation where we found out that he cheated on his wife. Millions and millions, right? And it was something we already knew. He had a track record of infidelity and it was presented as if it were new news and when it came out men and women across the nation shrugged their shoulders.

What will happen when the news breaks that Cheney was an a-hole and Bush was less than a Rhodes Scholar?

I say save the money that will be wasted on a year-long investigation - put that money in say, creating jobs. Put that money back in the school system. Find a place for Ricky Ricardo to sleep at night instead of calling an ambulance (see previous post). Anything but dragging names through the mud to prove, what exactly?

Maybe it is just me but it doesn't seem like the rift between Republicans and Democrats will ever be settled - in the immortal words of Rodney King - "Can't we just get along?"

As you may have guessed through reading this blog through the last couple of years - I wasn't a Bush fan - but wasting money to figure out what is already pretty clear is a disgusting notion.

They'll do it anyway - anything to one-up the other side.



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