The News

All Michael all the time, huh? The coverage is starting to drive me a little crazy - I love the people coming out of the woodwork to tell me what a gentle soul he was - and it simply amazes me that the scandalous stuff is barely mentioned. Give me a break - he was accused of the worst possible crime, wasn't he? A passing glance in that direction followed by - "Yeah, but he was a great dancer," tells me something is askew.

Which is exactly how I sum up Air McNair - all I've heard about is the charity work with little mention of the fact that the woman who shot him was his girlfriend and that he bought her a car and lived with her. His wife hadn't seem him in days. He'd been busted a few times in the past. None of this leads to him deserving four gunshots, but greatest guy ever? as he was described by a former coach.

And my all-time favorite dude was also in the news - Former DC Mayor Marion Berry was arrested for stalking a woman - this is the same guy who was videotaped doing crack and yelling "The bitch set me up."

He's also the same guy who was re-elected after the crack bust. Now he's back in the news for bad behavior and above all else, he still works as a councilman. Maybe it's me that is askew.

Also, it always seems as if it is hold your breath time when the 4th of July comes around and sure enough - there were plenty of people killed and maimed this year. Now I'm patriotic enough, but do we really need the fireworks?

First of all most municipalities can't afford them - secondly, men and women all over this great country either blow off their hands or kill themselves setting them off and lastly what's the big deal - "oh, ah, eww." Even as a kid they didn't do much for me and now they are shot off at every baseball game, basketball game, and wrestling match. Don't tell me it's for the kids either - my kids plug their ears when the fireworks are shot off.

Ah well, just getting things off my chest - the Yanks lost this afternoon and the umps sucked.


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