Got Up and Went

Barney Rubble once mentioned to Fred Flintstone that his 'Get up and go must have got up and went.'

Perhaps it wasn't Barney who first mentioned it, but that's where I heard the line,and I've been feeling that way the last couple of days. It also occurs to me that I miss seeing the Flintstones - I'd watch that over So You Think You Can Dance - 100 times out of 100 times.

Yet I'd be remiss if I didn't at least comment on the Erin Andrews story. She's a beautiful sports anchor for ESPN - and recently she has been in the news because someone shot a video of her, naked in her hotel room, as she walked around, dried her hair, and put on her makeup.

The thing about the story that strikes me most is that she is comfortable enough to walk around in her hotel room naked. Now I don't have hair enough to blow dry, and I don't put on make-up, but the least time spent naked for me, the better.

There are so many dang mirrors in a hotel room that I can't even risk catching more than a short glimpse as I wallow by. I towel off and dress in the shower just so that I can avoid the mirror.

Yet it is a horrible story anyway - kind of reminded me of Porky's. Not sure what it is about men, but a good-looking woman turns their minds to putty - the guy videotaping here should be punished for the invasion of privacy, but boys will be boys, huh?

Working around construction has been an education for years - guys will spend six bucks on a dollar coffee just to stand next to the coffee girl for a couple of minutes. And God help it if one just happens to walk by the site - guys will literally howl like wolves in an effort to say hello.

The degradation of women kind of reminds you of the old stone age, doesn't it?

Yet even Barney Rubble wouldn't behave in such a manner, but that of course, is because his get up and go got up and went.


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