The Big Kiss

July 1st is something of a holiday around our house because it is the anniversary of the first kiss I ever shared with my wife. As I told the kids tonight - "I've been tired ever since."

Yet I remember writing something about anniversaries in one of the books I wrote a long time ago - Waldorf & Juli - (which is a great story, of course) when the best man told Waldorf on his wedding day that he would, "Either look back on the day in complete appreciation of the life he started, or he would rue the day as the twenty-four hour period that brought about his ultimate failure as a human being."

Yes, I have been tired every day since. Since that kiss, I no longer play softball. I don't spend very much time in the bar. I hardly ever play a video game. Golf is reserved as an exercise for pure enjoyment rather than a vocation. I no longer answer the house telephone because I know it isn't for me. I can't eat pasta every night. I can't just pick up and leave anytime I want to. I no longer go to the bathroom with the door wide open. I hardly ever have enough money. No Sabres games. No Bills games. No long vacations centered around trips to major league ballparks.


Seriously, July 1 is a holiday around here. The best choice I ever made. Think about it. I was getting a little old for softball and video games anyway. Guys in their mid-40's that hang around in bars are pretty sorry-looking. Answering the phone wasn't one of my favorite things anyway. I'm as good as I'll ever get in golf. Pasta every night would have made me about 700 pounds. I don't have anywhere to go even if I wanted to pick up and leave. Going to the bathroom with the door open was sick to begin with. Money is only paper and ink. I no longer care about the Sabres or Bills. MLB is too expensive.



CorLeone said…
Mine & Chuck's first kiss was September 10th and I will remember that night for the rest of my life, too. You go Cliffy! and Kathy!

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