I Miss Whitney Houston

Back during my senior year of college I ran with my buddy Jeff Taylor and for most of the week as we tried to figure out where our life would lead us after graduation, we were often philosophical - come the weekend however, we had to turn into Fuzzy and Fluffy and paint the town. Night after night of fun and debauchery usually ended with us at our friends apartment where Lisa and Lorraine would try and convince us that our sometimes misbehavior wouldn't play real well in real life.

During those therapy sessions, Lisa and Lorraine would play music and try to talk sense into us as we nursed our hangovers. The music of choice was usually something light - Journey, Air Supply and Whitney. Fluff and I would threaten to rip the tape out of the player because we perceived that they were crazy for listening to anything other than Bruce.

Fast forward to today - I was driving along listening to light rock on Sirius and Whitney came on - it's strange, but I knew every single word. I could almost hear Lisa butchering it as she sang off-key in between trying to make sense of whatever Fluff and I had done the night before.

Anyway, I thought of all that Whitney Houston had been through - back then she was beautiful, with the voice of an angel, and almost virginal - singing in the church with her aunt (or whatever the hell that story was).

Since then she's been tabloid fodder, drug-addicted, married to an asshole, and out of the picture almost completely. I think I saw a photo of her with missing teeth for crying out loud.

Yet Fluff and I sustained. The song Whitney was singing today was I Have Nothing.

As the song finished up I thought of my old friends (and they are old now), and the feelings that we had back then about whipping the world into shape. Life sure was a lot easier back in those days - way less responsibility, way more time for naps, and for long nights of drinking beer and shooting pool, and acting like idiots.

Yet Lisa and Lorraine had been right about most everything - Fluff and I had to change our act to make it - and we've both been successful.

More successful than Whitney, in fact, we still both have our teeth.


"Bobby! Yo, Bobbeeee!" If you've never seen Kathy Griffin's impersonation of Whitney Houston, you're missing out. I cannot think about her without thinking of that! See if you can you tube it... worth it.

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