Foolish Behavior

Will they never learn?
Another Lawmaker busted with his hand in the cookie jar (so to speak). The Republican Senator Paul Stanley (not the guy from KISS) resigned because of an affair with a 22-year-old intern.

Same old story.
He is standing by hoping that his wife and two children forgive him. They could not be reached for comment.

He took a moral stand just a short time ago.
Stanley was against planned parenthood because...He believed that people who aren't married shouldn't have sex.

God will make him strong.
He will be forgiven because he is a God-Fearing man who was just too weak to ward off the demons.

Did I mention he was Republican?
Another one lined up throwing daggers at Clinton. Well, at least she is female.

Adios, moron.
He'll reinvent himself and probably get re-elected.

She was hot, though.

They usually are.


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