Up Before the Dawn

This morning I struggled to sleep as I had a dream about a huge, fat guy who was breaking into our house and sorting through our stuff as my wife and I watched from the ground below. I woke up just before the cops reached our house to bust him, and as is prone to happen, I couldn't get back to sleep - so I simply got out of bed and began reading the news on the computer.

I sorted through the Russia-Georgia conflict. How can a country just attack another country without due cause? Horrible.

There were a couple of A-Rod sightings with new girlfriends - how come we can't spot him when there are runners on 2nd and 3rd with less than 2 outs?

Jennifer Aniston is free again - having been cut loose by John Mayer. Think I have a shot? I'll stick with Kathy anyway - something must be wrong with Rachel - everyone lets her go after just a little while.

There's a coming hurricane to Florida. Just saw a 48 hours on the continued trouble in New Orleans where the citizens are murdering each other without fear of the police. Three years after the hurricane and the police were still operating out of trailers - they solved five out of 160 murders last year. Hard to enforce the laws when your working from a trailer.

The Olympics? Saw that the American girl got jobbed and the toddler from China won the gold. Of all the news this is the most horrifying to Americans. As I watched the girls spin on the parallel bars, I turned to my wife and said - "If they wanted to get higher ratings they should let me go in the middle of their two routines."

We had a nice laugh, but could you imagine me trying to grab the bar, dressed in a speedo, as the Star-Spangled-Banner plays in the background? That would be laugh out loud funny, and would probably distract the viewer from the cheating judges.

How is that even possible to go through such a routine? I swear - if the judges saw me do even one swing from the top bar to the low bar I'd win the gold on the sympathy vote. The problem being, I probably couldn't even grasp the first bar without splitting the speedo.

The birds are singing and it's time for me to wake the dogs to start the day. What is my new day proclamation - oh yeah - stay strong, stay hungry, stay alive. Enjoy the day.


Rosie said…
You had a dream about Fluffy trying to go through your stuff? That's freaky!

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