My Beautiful Reward

Bruce has a song where he searches through rooms seeking gold and diamond rings and wonders when he'll find his beautiful reward. He searches high and low and glides high over grey fields wondering where it is for him.

Sometimes I forget. A lot of times I forget actually, but I spent last week with my wife and three boys and the dogs went along too. We shared laughs, food, drinks, swimming and sun. My wife is now the sun goddess and I'm a bronze statue. The boys behaved well and seemed to appreciate the rest and time away from their video game systems.
Yet without even realizing it, I was reminded of what my reward in this life is - unlike the character in the Bruce tune - I don't need to fly here or there and wonder what makes me go. There is little confusion over whether I want to amass a fortune or remain dedicated to the people who surround me on a daily basis.
Nothing is ever perfect - when we plan a vacation - we don't think of sleeping in a hard bed, or waking up tired. It's always perfect when we plan, and perfect when we look back.
Unfortunately, time and circumstance drives us away from those we love on a rather routine basis, but I know that hanging with the family did we a world of good because I have a genuine love for everyone in it and it certainly feels as if the feeling is mutual.
Now if I can only remember all of that - at least to the end of the week!


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