See You Tomorrow

Sleep deprivation was the big drawback when the kids were young. I can remember walking around in a fog, wondering what the hell happened to the life I used to enjoy. I've slept much better through the years, but every once in awhile...

I had a long road trip through New York State. I was actually 40 miles outside of Montreal before I turned around and headed towards home. This is actually quite a beautiful state, but I wasn't much in the mood to drive through the towns that are basically abandoned - a broken down home here, a car on blocks there, a gas station every thirty miles or so. I often wonder what the people in those faraway places do for entertainment, or even work, but that's a whole 'nother story.

I returned home, put the Yankee game on, and popped a Tylenol PM when Mariano came into the game. Mariano is usually lights out, so it was real disconcerting to watch him blow the save. Of course, the game went into extra innings, I fought the control of the Tylenol PM, and stayed up until the bitter end. Then, I slept as though I had to get up three times to change a baby - which I didn't do much of when they were babies.

Anyway, I was in a deep fog today - I slumped around, got half the usual effort, and kept reminding myself that there's always tomorrow. At dinner I mentioned to the kids that I was tired.

"Is that what happens when people get old?" Sam asked. "You just walk around telling everyone how tired you are?"

Sorry I mentioned it - see you tomorrow.


deafjeff said…
Did you remind him that he will be old some day? Little brats just don't understand we were in high school like 3 years ago.

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