Just a Line in the News

Boy I did not miss the news when I was on vacation. I don't know why I even bother reading the news or watching the nightly local news. Seriously, what good does it do you to know that there was a fire in a vacant building, or some local joker drove into a convenience store window, drunk off his ass.

I purposely changed things up on vacation, reading very little of the newspaper and not watching a minute of Fox News or CNN.

What did I miss?

There's a coming hurricane. Ever since reading the book about the devastation in New Orleans, I cringe when I hear that a hurricane is coming close to our shores. I can't think of much worse than flood waters and the devastation it brings.

Morgan Freeman was hurt in a car wreck - now there's an actor - Keeanu Reeves and Ben Affleck should be forced to watch that man act - hopefully he'll make a full recovery. Who was better than him in Shawshank?

More fallout on Heath Ledger's death - one of the Olsen twins has something to hide? I don't have much to say on that other than that girl needs a sandwich.

Brett Favre? Come on already, make up your mind. I really feel bad for him if he has to sit the bench however - he'll get paid 12 mil to do it. I sat the bench in high school for the free orange slices at halftime.

Vacation's over - couple days in - and I'm still not aggravated yet.


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