Your Life Is Now

The Class of ‘82 has lost a couple of members this year. 

It’s always shocking news when an old friend or classmate passes away, mostly because we fool ourselves into thinking that we’re a lot younger than what we are.

Time is undefeated and life has an expiration date. It’s cliche to say that every day should be cherished, but it’s a cliche because it’s true.

The classmate we lost, Carolyn, was a beautiful girl back in high school. She smiled a lot! 

Every time I saw her.

She lived life to the fullest too and her scorecard shows children, a long marriage and a whole lot of friends who will attend her send off.

Yet, despite all the years - and I’d seen Carolyn last year - I still carry the image of her at seventeen years old. That’s how memories work, I suppose.

When Mickey Mantle died, my Dad mentioned that the Mick was frozen in time as a big, strong man who hit long homers and ran like a deer.

I guess it’s better to remembered in the prime of life, but it also got me thinking of how quickly it passes.

Springsteen turned 74 on Saturday.

I remember when we toasted his 35th birthday!

And on Sunday’s when I hit the golf ball well, I think about the day when those shots will have 100 less yards on them because time waits for no one.

The Class of ‘82 was a long time ago - at least some people would say - but to those of us who were in it - it sometimes feels as if it were ten minutes ago.

I have a good memory for moments and when I considered Carolyn, I thought about a study hall that we shared as seniors. We spent an entire class talking about the new Rod Stewart record - ‘Foolish Behavior’.

I was able to visit those moments in my mind…

…I could almost hear her laughter.

May she rest in peace.

And May your days be cherished because your life is right now.


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